European Journal of Natural and Social Sciences-Novus(EJNSS)

ISSN :2785-5236
Call for Papers Volume 01, Issue 12, December 2022, Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication, included in many leading abstracting and indexing open-access databases. European Journal of Natural and Social Sciences-NOVUS is welcoming original Research Articles, Book Reviews,Reviewd Articles,Please you can reach us if you have any queries send emai to :

Volume 2, Issue 5, 2024

Paper id: 010000154EJNSS     Open Access

Title: An Assessment of the Potential Impending Negative Implications of Transitioning to Solar PV Energy on Waste Management in Lusaka

Year 2024       Full Paper       [Download]         Page:      

Abstract: The transition to solar photovoltaic (PV) energy is gaining traction as a sustainable solution to address energy challenges and reduce carbon emissions. However, as the adoption of solar PV energy expands, it is crucial to understand the implications of this transition on waste management practices. This paper aims to assess the potential impending negative implications of transitioning to solar PV energy on waste management in Lusaka. The paper examines three theories in the literature regarding the assessment of potential negative implications of transitioning to solar PV energy on waste management. These theories include the Circular Economy (EC) theory, the theoretical Conceptualization of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and the sustainability theory. In addition, a conceptual framework from earlier research that is relevant to the topic at hand is identified and outlined. The paper adopted a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Questionnaires and interviews were used to acquire data from experts in the field. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to analyze the data and disclose the experts’ input. The results indicate a moderate level of solar PV adoption influenced by various factors, including the political environment, economic situation, technological advancement, and climate change. On PV waste management challenges; the findings indicate a lack of waste management infrastructure and recycling facilities capable of handling end-of-life (EoL) solar panel waste. Furthermore, there was a lack of regulations and guidelines to effectively govern the disposal of photovoltaic (PV) waste. The paper also presented a Strategic Framework that aims to tackle the research challenge by illustrating and operationalizing the independent, moderating, and dependent variables. 

Key terms: Solar (PV) energy, PV waste management, environmental impact, solar PV adoption, Strategic Framework.

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Paper id: 010000155EJNSS     Open Access

Title: Development of risk management framework for financing of national road projects by the local banks

Year 2024       Full Paper       [Download]         Page:       

Abstract: The construction industry, in general, exhibits subpar cost and schedule performance and has a reputation for experiencing time and cost overruns. This poor performance is partly attributed to the construction industry’s inherently risky nature.  In addition to the challenges posed by inherent risks, effective project financing also plays a pivotal role in influencing the outcomes of road construction projects, as inadequate funding arrangements can further exacerbate issues related to project time, cost, and quality, thereby contributing to the overall poor performance observed in the construction industry. Therefore, the research focused on the Development of Risk Management Framework for Financing of National Road Projects by the Local Banks. The study found that the risks associated with financing national road projects by local banks in Lusaka reveal a multifaceted landscape that demands careful consideration. This showed the interconnectedness of economic, technological, cultural, environmental, governmental, and legal factors in shaping the success of infrastructure projects, urging financial institutions to adopt comprehensive and adaptive approaches to mitigate these multifaceted risks.

Key terms: Risk Management, National Roads, Local banks, Framework

Full-Text       I ASI I  IEuroPubI  IResearchGateI  IGoogle ScholarI  IAcademia.eduI

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