European Journal of Natural and Social Sciences-Novus(EJNSS)

ISSN :2785-5236
Call for Papers Volume 01, Issue 12, December 2022, Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication, included in many leading abstracting and indexing open-access databases. European Journal of Natural and Social Sciences-NOVUS is welcoming original Research Articles, Book Reviews,Reviewd Articles,Please you can reach us if you have any queries send emai to :

Volume 01, Issue 05, 2022

Paper id: 010000125EJNSS     Open Access

Title: The Lived-Experiences of a Child with Reading Difficulty (Dyslexia) in both Pull-out and Mainstream Classes: A Case Study at Drukgyel Lower Secondary School, Paro

Year 2022       Full Paper       [Download]         Page: 1-29          

Abstract: This study attempts to explore whether a child with reading difficulty can improve in the areas of academic achievement when placed in a pull-out classroom with other reading and learning difficulty (LD) peers. The study looks at how a child with reading difficulty is being supported by teachers in pull-out and in the mainstream class. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a single case study design and data were collected using interview, observations, and document analysis. The form of the interview used was semi-structured to obtain in-depth data in the qualitative study. Six participants were involved in the data collection process as a part of the study. Transcribed data were analyzed manually and colour-coded based on the thematic approach. Seven major areas of concern emerged from the data analysis which were; the pull-out class, the academic performances, the assistive devices, the parental support at home, the mainstream education system’s inability to support the child, the deficit views held, and the advocacy for the family. The findings reveal that the child benefits academically in pull-out class, however, the child is found to be acquiring more social and communication skills in the mainstream class. Similarly, teachers in mainstream classes lack specialized instruction and strategies to support children with reading difficulties. Based on the findings, a number of recommendations are made for teachers, school, and the Ministry of Education for future consideration and improvement.

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Paper id: 010000126EJNSS     Open Access


Year 2022       Full Paper       [Download]         Page: 30-49          

Abstract: The difficulty in reading and writing, spelling mistakes and poor speech is considered as the main elements that characterize students with dyslexia. If one thinks that most of the things in a class are based on reading and writing, the importance of such a learning difficulty is that it is recognized as soon as possible and with appropriate strategies that people with dyslexia can be helped in their progress. Therefore, this qualitative single case study with embedded units explored the strategies employed by the English language teachers to teach reading to the children with dyslexia. The study employed a purposive sampling technique to select 4 teachers of the dyslexic learner, 1 parent of the dyslexic child and 1 dyslexic child (case child). Data were obtained through individual semi-structured interviews, non-participant observations, and document analysis. A series of coding (open, axial and selective) were employed to analyze the data, which were then presented thematically. The key findings that emerged from this study were phonemic awareness as a reading strategy for children with dyslexia, other strategies that helped reading to children dyslexic and the challenges the English language teachers encountered in teaching reading to the children with dyslexia. These findings of the study have implications on the teacher education programs. Recommendations to the teachers, relevant stakeholders and for future research are provided despite its limitations.

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Paper id: 010000127EJNSS     Open Access

Title: Irish Civil War and Familial Transformation: A Marxist Study of O’ Casey’s Juno and the Paycock

Year 2022       Full Paper       [Download]         Page: –  50-89        

Abstract: This thesis is entitled “Irish Civil War and Familial Transformation: A Marxist Study of O’ Casey’s Juno and the Paycock.” The selected play has revolutionary power in English literature history and accomplished unforgettable fame during every rivalry contest. This study declares the most devastating phenomenon of the Civil Wars in such a beautiful way that even the opponents raised their hands for appreciation. Marxist concerns, propounded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, about economic determinism and class struggle in consequence of dialectic opposition between the oppressor and the oppressed leading to betterment in the society have been used as the framework for carrying out the present research. O’ Casey’s play selected for this thesis presents a critique of unjust civil practices caused by the economic elements due to civil war, and the same is the aim of Marxist criticism. This study declares that how conflicts affect families. It compels them to spend their day and night under the strict commands of their masters. They become answerable to their masters for even breathing if they try to do so by their own will, who committed oppression under industrial capitalism. Moreover, the creation of a classless society and an end to exploitation as predicted by Marx has been equated to the situation in O’ Casey’s play where the oppressed attempt to pull themselves out of the swamp of tyranny and make progress to lead a better life through freedom. Therefore, for the analysis and result, the application of Marxism is a pretty good attempt made by this thesis. Coupled with all, this research is the source of inspiration embellished with the knowledge of the Civil War’s impacts on families.

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Paper id: 010000128EJNSS     Open Access

Title: Vedic to Virtual – the Paradigm Shift of Formal Education System in India after Covid’19

Year 2022       Full Paper       [Download]         Page: –          


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